Cornerstone Fellowship Church
Expository preaching associated with the Cornerstone Fellowship Church in Peru, Indiana. You can connect with us through our website at www.perucfc.com. We would love to hear from you.
219 episodes
Luke 11:29-36 A Message the Crowd Needs to Hear
Please visit www.perucfc.com for an outline of the sermon.

Luke 11:5-13 God is Wanting to Give More than We are Willing to Ask
Please visit www.perucfc.com for an outline of this sermon.

Luke 11:1-4 Father, Hallowed be Your Name
Please visit www.perucfc.com for an outline of the sermon.

Luke 10:38-42 Praying and Fasting for 2025
Please visit www.perucfc.com for an outline of the sermon.

Luke 10:25-37 Love God then Be a Neighbor
Please visit www.perucfc.com for an outline of the sermon.

Isaiah 9:1-7 Christmas Affirms All is not Right with the World
Please visit www.perucfc.com for an outline of the sermon.

Luke 10:17-24 A Reason for Joy Each Day of the Weak
Please visit www.perucfc.com for an outline of the sermon.

Luke 10:1-16 Needed: Laborers for His Harvest
Visit www.perucfc.com for an outline of the sermon.

Luke 9:51-62 To Receive Jesus is to Follow Him, and to Follow Him is Costly
Please visit www.perucfc.com for an outline of the sermon.

Luke 9:37-50 This Will Need to Sink into Your Ears
Please visit www.perucfc.com for an outline of the sermon.

Luke 9:28-36 The Curtains are Pulled Back for a Moment
Please visit www.perucfc.com for an outline of the sermon.

Luke 9:23-27 Spending Your Life on Your Savior
Please visit www.perucfc.com for an outline of the sermon.

Luke 9:10-22 Pondering Some Broken Pieces
Please visit www.perucfc.com for an outline of the sermon.

Testimonial of Disaster Relief Work in North Carolina (with Luke 9:1-10)
Testimonial given by Rachel Hoppes and Deb Hosler

Luke 8:40-56 Behind a Frowning Providence He Hides a Smiling Face
Please visit www.perucfc.com for an outline of the sermon.

Luke 8:26-39 What Demons Do Not Want Us to Know
Please visit www.perucfc.com for an outline of the sermon.

Luke 8:22-25 Storms are Necessary for the Christian Life
Please visit www.perucfc.com for an outline of the sermon.

Luke 7:36-50 A Forgiven Person is a Loving Person
Please visit www.perucfc.com for an outline of the sermon.

Psalm 23 The Shepherd Who is Righteous and Eternally-Present
This sermon was given by Jacob Eckerley for the re-enactment service at Bridgeton, Indiana.

Luke 7:11-17 Comfort...even in the Shadow of Death
Please visit www.perucfc.com for an outline of the sermon.

Luke 7:1-10 Worthiness, Authority, and Faith
Please visit www.perucfc.com for an outline of the sermon.